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About Us

Dear friends,


During your stay in Wageningen, you will be very busy with your studies-but there are other things to explore as well. We all have our beliefs, hopes, values, and dreams that give meaning to our lives.


The student church Wageningen (formerly student chaplaincy Wageningen) organizer activities - for and by students - which aim at creating space and opportunities to explore these other dimensions of life.


We are an ecumenical Christian community. Ecumenical literally means 'whole wide world' - it expresses that we recognize the great variety among students, yet we try to find a common basis for our fellowship.

We are in the process of combining our activities with the "Student Platform voor Levensbeschouwing". Student Platform and Chaplaincy (SP&C) have therefore already started to do a lot of combined activities such as (Church services, Taize prayer, Bible study, choirs, excursions, meals, film evening etc). You are welcome to take part!


We wish you every success with your studies and hope to meet you at SCW 


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​Find us : (Office) 

Student Church Wageningen

Building with the clock

Generaal Foulkesweg 37

6703 BL Wageningen, Netherlands



Rev. Josine van der Horst -



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